8171 Ehsaas Program 2023

Ehsaas Program 8171

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BISP Project 2000 Latest Update 8123 New Program for Public

BISP New Update 2023:

Assalam Alaikum viewers, this post is more important for friends and the reason is that the setup of the watcher is already done, so we will give relief to the people on behalf of the gross setup.

That which has never been established has also been formed and the caretaker set-up can last for a long time. Within the four provinces and especially within the federal government, the new setup has been established because the setup within Punjab was already established within Punjab and KP, so now the Ehsaas program is here.

Which was started by Imran Khan, you know, first of all, the Ehsaas ration program was introduced during the regime of Imran Khan, but after that, they were introduced here to support the poor people.

But the government made another policy to give aid to them, when Parvez Elahi was the Chief Minister of Punjab, then the ration program was also started on his behalf and four thousand rupees were given here, so now the caretaker setup is now.

Caretaker setup is trying to help people here and enroll them in the ration program after enrolling them in the ration program make the program possible viewers if you also join this ration program.

If you want to get this aid and want to be a part of this program, then you people also have to do this work, so when you people do this work, God willing, you people will benefit here and you will benefit through the invisible income support program. Will benefit from here

BISP Project 2000 Latest Update 8123 New Program for Public

8123 New Program for Public:

The biggest program that the government of Pakistan is currently running is the Benazir Income Support Program and people want relief in the Benazir Income Support Program and the setup that was established before that when Shahbaz Sharif’s government was there.

You people also got two thousand rupees from the ration program, but this time you can get 4 thousand rupees if you apply for the ration program and participate in this program.

Let me tell you how much will be kept. See when it was started by Sania Nishtar Sahiba, the poverty score that was kept by her was about 45 and if we see nine thousand rupees in the Benazir Income Support Program.

The government has set a poverty threshold of 32, which is low, that is, there will be people with less than 32, whose group score is low, those people will be included in it.

can get aid and in the same way, now the government has to give subsidy, the provision of ration program in the whole country, because there is a period of inflation, the consumption of food items is increasing, because of which we are worried, so a relief package at such a time.

It can be revealed in this way that the people got two thousand rupees in petroleum products from the Shahbaz government. The Chief Minister of Punjab, who is Parvez Elahi, gave four thousand rupees per family.

It is that on the one hand quarterly installments will be given to the up people which will consist of 9 thousand and on the other hand ration will be given to the up people by the government.

BISP Project 2000 Latest Update 8123 New Program for Public

BISP Project 2000 Online Apply:

In addition to this powerful Pakistan that we are talking about, many people know about it and some people do not know about it because here you apply through an online portal, for which you go to an office.

There is no need to go round and round, you have to apply at home or there is a shop near you or someone has internet facility.

Ration is given and for six months you people can take ration from here and it will not be for that. So the people there used to face a lot of problems, they had to stand in lines from morning to evening and they got ration with great difficulty, but now the situation is a little different.

If there is a supervisory setup, another task has been done here within this supervisory setup and that is this task.

The payment they have to pay will keep the people here and the way foundations and organizations are hired so that they can serve them and the government keeps them in the dark.

So GDC and Selina Trust are such justifications here, they have mobilized and together they have launched the powerful Pakistan program and the 2 million families that will be in this program and the support they have here.

It will be given up to 20 lakh boxes, this amount is ration will be delivered and this ration will be packed and sent to you by parcel.

If you want to apply, you have to apply through the portal. There is a Pakistan portal and apply on it. Inshallah, if there are any, then this ration will reach you

BISP Project 2000 Latest Update 8123 New Program for Public

BISP Project 2000 Latest Update 8123 New Program for Public

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